
The third edition of  the workshop  Moving2Gather will take place at  Rennes (Agrocampus Ouest) from March 11th to 13th 2020, as a follow up of  The Gdr Ecostat Annual meeting.    This workshop aims at gathering ecologist, modelers and numerical analysts around the tools dedicated to movement ecology.

We are happy to welcome Marie Auger-Méthé and  Tal Avgar

Registration before February 20th
and abstract submission before January 31st.


About the workshop

Movement analysis has developed considerably in recent years through various networks and projects. A growing fluxes of tracking individual observations either in marine or in terrestrial systems for various species including humans (e.g. fisherman, picker) have been made possible through the broad development of electronic devices (e.g. Argos, GPS). This scientific dynamism has led to the organisation of the two previous  Moving2Gather workshops in 2015 ( and in 2017 ( bringing together ecologists, modellers, statisticians, probablilits and numerists to exchange on tools dedicated to movement analysis.  


This third Moving2Gather worshop will address the following objectives:


  • Increasing the interactions between research networks developing or using statistical tools dedicated to the analysis of trajectories;
  • Sharing the expertises and drawing up a state of art in trajectories modelling (Hidden Markov models, semi-hidden Markov models, Change point detection, random walks, Stochastic Differential Equations, etc.);
  • Listing the limits of current approaches (models and data acquisition) and future methodological developments required to
    • perform models validation
    • move from discret to continuous approaches
    • upscale analyses from individual-based to population-based approaches (within a group, between preys and predators, attraction/avoidance, etc.)

Keynote Speakers :



A course  on track data anlysis will be proposed with two distincts lectures:

  • A tutorial on track data visualisation proposed by R. Joo,
  • A tutorial on the use of telemetry data for inference in habitat selection will be given by P. Gloaguen.


Registration Fees:

Regular fee are 150 euros and 80 euros for students. These fee include the lectures, the coffea breaks, a welcome party on the first evening and a conference dinner on Thursday night.  



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Workshop conveners :

Simon Benhamou (CEFE), Nicolas Bez (IRD-Marbec), Simon Chamaillé (CEFE), Marie-Pierre Etienne (AgroCampus Ouest), Rocio Joo (University of Florida), Stéphanie Mahévas (Ifremer-EMH)


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